The Great Stock Market Trader
I don’t plan on becoming a stock market junkie. The idea is to run and tweak an ETF portfolio that delivers some useful disposable income. I think this is within reach through a mix of funds – some Australian stocks, some ethical stuff, property funds, a touch of gold, cyber-security, Vanguard high growth, some global stocks and bonds for when the bear market arrives. I like that the ethical fund I’m considering offloaded Facebook.
I will monitor the swings, take profits and shed losses according to a plan. I will accumulate some insight into these ETFs, grow savvier through due diligence, resist growing greedy (or temper my existing greed) and never think the retirement pasture is x trades away, just over the rolling hills, dappled in sun rays. I need to set goals. Did I really say that? I hate the word goals – it reminds of my ham-fisted youth when goals and giving a fuck towered up, tottered and fell on me, the self broken and in pieces under the debris. The only thing I hate more than fixed goals is structured self-help. That can kill a man. Thankfully I discovered instinct after half a century and she is now my loyal companion – a trusty friend, adviser and confidante.
Okay, forget goals, maybe some loose aims rather, maybe learn from the mistakes I can feel looming. What do I want from these funds – how much income? And yes, it’s income I want, not growth. Just enough to supplement my wage – a net $20 000 per year will do it. But not if this is going to undermine my writing. No more than 10 hours a week spent on the portfolio.
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